
Cloud Security Fortified: The Future of CNAPP and CSPM Solutions

By: Becca Gomby
Aug 1, 2023

Cloud security risks are shifting, and organizations require more than just baseline security procedures in place to ensure they are staying ahead of opportunistic hackers. Cloud security posture management (CSPM) tools are table stakes for all busi...

Cloud Security

Enhancing Cloud Visibility: The Importance of CSPM in Cloud Security

By: Becca Gomby
Jul 5, 2023

Curious about CSPM? We explain what cloud security posture management is, why it is needed, and how it works.  What is CSPM? Cloud security posture management (CSPM) is a set of automated procedures designed to identify and remediate misc...


Panoptica: A Holistic Cloud Native Application Security Solution for Enterprises

By: Idan Kober
Jun 6, 2023

Outshift by Cisco is paving the way with “DevOps-friendly” cloud native security solutions that fundamentally simplify conventional offerings. Today we are excited to announce the launch of Panoptica, our cloud native application security so...


What is CSPM? Why Is It Important?

By: Panoptica Team
Aug 18, 2022

Curious about CSPM? We explain what cloud security posture management is, why it is needed, and how it works. What Is CSPM? Cloud security posture management (CSPM) is a set of automated procedures designed to identify and remediate misconfigu...